2009年3月9日 星期一


Class exercises

first class exercises

1)i used mono-chromatic color scheme,
only use one hue,change the color value and chroma
color(black, brown, yellow, red)

second class exercises

(2) use the complimentary color scheme,
the silimar color to make special effect
the color (yellow,green,brown)

Class exercises

the display color main use the black and brown (dark color)

class exercises

schoolmates A
lifestyle--sporty,causal wear
mass customization--t shirt
color preference--black,yellow

schoolmates B
lifestyle--causal wear
mass customization--sandals,jeans ,T-shirt
color preference--black,white,pink,blue color

schoolmates C
lifestyle--hip hop,
mass customization--jeans, jacket,over size clothes
color preference--black,grey,red

class exercises

black, white, grey this three color is using achromatic color scheme.
Then the clothe background is pink.It is using Mono-chromatic color
scheme,use one hue( one color),change their chroma,value,the brightness...
that is red and pink.

