Forecast 2010 spring/summer color
pastel magenta red color""

pastel green""

Forecast 2010 winter collection

"pure red"


For the forecast report ,in the02- 09 spring/summer collection,I discover the designer most use the achromatic color black & white , so forecasting the main color also are black and white,I also find out designer more use the "green"color in the F/w2009 collectioin. For example,
Chanel’s signature tweed suits incorporated emerald green into the mix of black and white, complete with ruffled lace collars and sleeve trims. So forecasting the pastel color ( green and magenta red)will be hit in the spring and summer collection. Designer also use the mono-chromatic color scheme to change the color value and chroma..make the
color to be more colorfully and lightness..may be some pastel magenta red , light magenta and pure red , and green color change to be pastel green, light red ,pure green....... that use same hue but different levels of chroma or value to give people female and classic feelings .
In the winter collection, also discover 02-09 winter collection ,mainly use black and white, those achromatic color,so forecasting the main colorin the 2010 winter colloection are black,grey and white too, forecasting the red and gold color will be hit in the 2010 winter collection, all black color clothing to match some red accessories (belt, shoes) are be fashionable, also i forecast the brown and gold color are mainly in the Chanel winter collection, because brown and gold color are easy to match the black and white, also can be classic and noble feeling too , it can match the chanel image, and the dress pattern may with graphic checks ,checks may be mix some gold and red color .